quarta-feira, 9 de março de 2011

mAY’S posT

Hey, I’m May I’m 18 and a mind of a 26 years-old woman, haha,actually I’ve always had plans for my life since I was a kid, and one of them is to leave my country to know all world, especially Europe, I’ve been always a creative person,this is one of the reasons why I chose to study fashion,’cause in my childhood I used to wrap myself in swaddling clothes, and pretend I’m a queen , supermodel or whatever, I never had a pression on my family to be what they want me to be , actually my mother always tells me that whatever I wanted to be she will be always on my side.

I have a strangers preferences, like vintage things,old music, epic movies ,shoes, history and wise things.

I want to go to London as soon as I can…Why? because I always loved England with all my heart, the reasons why I love that country I absolutely don’t know comes from inside since I was a child.

well I had the idea of that post for you to get to know us more than the “about”, and as a aspiring fashion designer here are my favorites stylists…


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my heroine, my Idol, my icon and everything,I love her

Yves Saint Laurent

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a guide and fashion Icon

Vivienne West Wood

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as a punk in the begining of my teenager , and a crazy about history I met vivianne and fell in love with her

Alexander McQueen

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